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May 21, 2021
night sky view overlooking highway intersections

Highways can be intimidating for new drivers. If that sounds like you, you’re not alone. After you’ve gained sufficient skills to drive a vehicle on more typical streets, it’s time to introduce yourself to highways and how to enter, exit, and navigate them properly. Let’s explore a few tips every new driver should implement while learning to drive on highways.

1. Be Attentive

As you hopefully know, drivers should check their mirrors frequently while also watching the road ahead. At the higher speeds and sometimes much more crowded traffic of a freeway, such attentive mirror-checking is even more important to gauge the different speeds of lanes of traffic so you know if someone is about to pass you, if it’s safe to change lanes, and more.

Remember: slower traffic on the right, passing and faster traffic on the left, be prepared to slow down in the right lane for on-ramping traffic, and don’t speed. Watch for where your next exit is going to be, and be in the proper lane a mile or so ahead of time. Also, be sure you aren’t staying in an exit-only lane that will take you off the freeway at the wrong point.

2. Select the Appropriate Time

Sometimes it helps a lot to practice driving on a highway while there are few to no cars. To that end, driving at night can be a great way to get used to highways, especially since they are generally much better lit than other routes. Perhaps you have enough flexibility in your schedule that you could do an important drive at night. If not, then just try to avoid peak traffic hours in the morning and afternoon.

3. Be Patient With Yourself

Patience plays a pivotal role in learning anything that scares you. If you think you’re too nervous or anxious to drive on highways, or on a highway in its current state (such as heavy traffic), there’s nothing wrong with you. Listen to that impulse, find the nearest exit, and continue your trip from there. Don’t push yourself to master this sort of driving overnight. If you’d rather take an alternate route, such as on state or county roads, you almost always can.

4. Take Care of Your Vehicle

No one wants to be stuck parked on the side of the freeway because of a mechanical issue or an accident that could have been avoided. Make sure you cover your basics as a responsible car owner, such as ensuring that your windshield is clean, the rear-view and side mirrors are properly set, your engine and brakes are in good condition, and so on.

Oo top of these tips, make sure you also have a more experienced driver ride with you for some practice runs before going solo. No matter whether you’re on the highway or in your driveway, you’ll grow more comfortable driving your vehicle over time, and everyone learns at their own pace. Let us know in a comment down below if this article helped you or if you have any special tips for a new highway driver. And remember to stay safe!

Image by Steven Liao from Pixabay